
As a perpetual hobbyist, I’ve always had outlets for my creativity; however, it wasn’t until I found pottery that I could really envision a career for myself as an artist.

Though the end result of a project is always exciting as I open the kiln, it’s the messy, at times chaotic start on the wheel which I love the most. With each form I learn and understand more about my medium, particularly as I grow in “seeing” more with my hands to work with the clay, not against it. It’s humbling, in the best way.

With this perspective and the passion I continue to gain each day, I hope to help further understanding and education in all creative forms, helping future generations contribute to how beautiful, colorful, and diverse our world really is.


The very nature of ceramic work is to reuse and recycle. Before it’s fired, clay can be dried and remade countless times. Even merchandise that doesn’t pass QC can be used as containers for tools, or deconstructed to become the foundations of other art.

I want to contribute to keeping our planet clean, so I reduce pollutants where possible. Two Ships’ shipping materials are sourced from friends and neighbors, meaning the package you receive is helping an entire community recycle what they get in the mail. I collect and reuse plastic grocery bags to cover freshly thrown work, while the water used in my creation process is reused multiple times a week. Most of my clay and tools are sourced from Carolina businesses, and on good weather days you’ll find me walking or longboarding to the studio.

I hope you’ll join in making the little decisions count.

Thank you!


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